7 Questions with #TeamReflex Member Chloe Logan

7 Questions With #teamreflex Member Chloe LoganChloe Logan, one of the newest members of #TeamReflex, is an avid fitness enthusiast and provincially qualified competitive bodybuilder.

After graduating high school early, she moved to Vancouver and started a new life for herself in the city, managing to lose over 30 lbs after learning about proper diet and nutrition.

Currently studying to become a personal trainer and (soon) holistic nutrition, we wanted to know more about what inspires her to push limits and hit the gym hard, even when she’s not competing. 



#1: What’s your sport of choice?

Competitive Body Building


#2: What is your best ‘high-five’ moment?

My best “high five” moment would have to be when I entered into a fitness model search last minute late last year and secured a modelling contract with the agency Fitness Star! I wouldn’t have had such a cool opportunity if I only focused on building my body for competition purposes. It was a great reminder always to keep healthy and feeling good.


#3: What or who would you say is your biggest motivation?

My Dad is one of my biggest motivators in my life. Ever since I was little, I always remember him as this go-getter. If he felt like he wanted to make a lifestyle change, start up a business, renovate his entire house, he sat down and brainstormed a plan for how he was going to do it. And then he followed through with it! I think of him whenever I am feeling a little overwhelmed by an enormous task because I know that he would figure out a plan to go about it with success.


#4: How would you say you motivate others?

I’m very active on social media sharing my fitness journey. I like to share both the good parts of my life as well as the bad. Maybe I’m having a rough day in general, a crappy workout or messed up on my diet – I put it all out there! No one is perfect regardless of how much we may want to be. Trying to put on a show for others isn’t going to inspire anyone, it’s not relatable! I want people to see that messing up is ok, and it happens to the best of us. What’s more important is picking right up where you left off and getting back on that horse. In the long run, it’s consistency that pays off and helps us to be our best self!


#5: What’s your favourite post-workout indulgence?

I love to take a long bath after leg day. Bubbles, bath bombs, yummy smelling candles, the works!


#6: What’s one supplement that’s always in your cupboard?

I always have BCAA’s in my cupboard because they’re such an importance part of helping enhance muscle recovery! I love Amino IV by PEScience and Xtend by Scivation. I honestly don’t know how I’d get through my workout week without them.


#7 What’s your ‘dream big’ goal that you hope to achieve?

One day I would love to open a healthy bakery and cafe. I think it would be so cool to own a place that caters towards individuals who care about their health and fitness goals and want to stay on track! The star of the show would, of course, be my high protein treats (like my protein cheesecake), perfect for a post-workout snack, but I’d also have a menu filled with options for any athlete any time of day.

For more motivation from Chloe, be sure to follow her on Instagram, and check out our own Reflex feed where we go behind the scenes with all our members of #TeamReflex. We are #ReflexNation

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