Tips for Transitioning Safely to Winter Running

For the die-hard runners, colder weather doesn’t mean less running, it means running smarter! Taking into account the changing weather conditions in your running routine is crucial to continued success, comfort and safety in your running routine. Transitioning from summer running to winter running requires some adjustments and we’re here to help.

Here are some tips to help you make the transition smoothly:

Dress in Layers: Wear moisture-wicking base layers to keep sweat away from your skin, insulating layers for warmth, and a windproof and waterproof outer layer to protect against the elements. Avoid cotton as it retains moisture.

Choose the Right Footwear: Opt for running shoes with good traction to handle slippery surfaces. Consider using trail running shoes or adding traction devices like Yaktrax for icy conditions.

Warm Up Properly: Cold muscles are more prone to injury, so take extra time to warm up indoors before heading out. Dynamic stretches and light exercises can help increase blood flow.

Stay Visible: With shorter daylight hours, it’s important to wear reflective gear and use lights to ensure you’re visible to drivers and other pedestrians.

Adjust Your Pace: Running in cold weather can be more challenging, so listen to your body and adjust your pace as needed. It’s okay to slow down to maintain safety and comfort.

Hydrate: Even in cold weather, staying hydrated is crucial. You may not feel as thirsty, but your body still loses moisture through breath and sweat.

Mind the Wind: Start your run facing the wind and finish with it at your back. This strategy helps prevent getting too cold at the end of your run when you’re more likely to be sweaty.

Plan Your Route: Choose routes that are well-lit and have less traffic. Avoid areas that are likely to be icy or poorly maintained.

Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to signs of hypothermia or frostbite, such as numbness, tingling, or extreme shivering. If you experience these, head indoors immediately.

Stay Motivated: Set goals, track your progress, and consider running with a group to stay motivated during the colder months.


By following these tips, you can safely enjoy running throughout the winter while minimizing the risk of injury and discomfort.

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