Top Supplements For A Busy Schedule


It seems as though once September comes around, all lives become a little bit more hectic – and most become A LOT more hectic! With kids returning back to school, and community activities on the rise, it becomes harder to fit everything into the day. We have to find time for work, kids/family, exercise, and some sort of a social life! To help you out, we’ve rounded up our top supplements for a busy schedule below.


So, what about time for eating properly? Eating all meals at the right time is very difficult when balancing a busy lifestyle. Even for those that prepare their meals in advance often find themselves having to skip certain meals and/or missing the mark on the ideal time to eat a particular meals. This begs the following questions to be answered:

  1. Is it even possible to meet my daily nutrient requirements?
  2. Will I ever be able to achieve my body fitness goals if I live an “on-the-go” lifestyle?


To begin, let’s attack each separately.

It is, in fact, possible to meet daily nutrient requirements by being prepared with nutrient replacement supplement options! Supplements don’t just come in the form of performance-enhancing options. Supplements are designed to supplement daily nutrient requirements so that you can achieve your health and fitness goals much quicker. We have all been in a situation where we feel that we have to skip an important meal or snack simply because of the amount of time it will take to heat up a meal and sit for some time to eat it. For these times, it is best to not have to skip meals, and thankfully there are options.


Here are some solutions:

Protein Bars / Meal Replacement Bars (Whole Foods Bars)

Protein bars come in all sorts of nutrient variations. If you are watching your calories but find yourself in a hurry, having a low calorie protein bar will be able to satisfy your hunger and save you a lot of time. Similarly, if you are needing a higher calorie replacement for a meal, there are many whole food bars that will keep you feeling full for longer periods of time.

Meal Replacement Supplements

These often come in the form of a powder for mixing as a shake. They typically consist of protein, complex carbohydrates, fats, fibre, and a variety of micronutrients as well. Essentially, these mimic the nutrients that would be consumed in a healthy balanced meal. Meal replacements are great if you know that you won’t have time to prepare and/or eat one of your meals. They are quick, easy, and ensure that your diet stays on track.


Having an, “On-the-go” lifestyle does not mean that your goals have to turn into non-achievable dreams. If you are already preparing meals in advance and also find yourself substituting protein bars and meal replacements as much as you can – but STILL find yourself skipping some snacks/meals, then the suggestions outlined below will be of great use to you. In addition, if you simply find yourself relying too much on meal replacement options versus consuming your prepared meals, then the suggestions below will also be of use. Supplements can fill in the nutrient gaps to keep your body in the best health.


Here are some supplement solutions that will keep you progressing toward your goals:


A simple multi-vitamin and mineral supplement goes a long way in ensuring that all of your micronutrient needs are met so that missed nutrients from skipped meals and/or snacks are not an issue.

Greens and Reds Drink

Consuming a vegetable greens and/or antioxidant rich berry supplement on a daily basis will go a long way in supporting overall health and wellness. If you are having trouble with fitting in all of your meals, your body is likely producing toxins from excess stress. These supplements pack antioxidant capabilities that allow them to fight off free radicals and keep the body functioning smoothly.

Fish Oil

Fish oil is essential in keeping the brain healthy and supporting optimum focus and mood. Supplementing with healthy fats on a daily basis will ensure that the brain is being fuelled so that you can remain as sharp as possible while decreasing inflammation at the same time.


These are the name to a class of ingredients that aid in brain and neural function. They are essential in improving focus and mood which provides that extra push that is often the difference between a great and an excellent day.


If you are exercising and finding that your strength may not be where it should be because of your busy schedule and corresponding stress levels, then supplementing with creatine can provide that extra boost in strength to fuel your most packed days.

Pre-Workout Powder

If you need that extra motivation to get into the gym instead of substituting it for some other activity – then a pre-workout powder will give you that surge of energy, motivation, and performance boost that can make the difference in the gym
Having a busy schedule is very normal for most of the population. The key to maintaining a healthy balance without compromising your health is to plan for the worst and always have all of your supplement and nutrition basis covered.


To find the supplements that work best for you, or for more training ideas, visit us in store and have a chat with one of our experts. We can also be reached on Facebook and Instagram. We are #ReflexNation.

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