Best Business Books You Need To Read Now

Best Business Books You Need To Read NowAt Reflex Supplements, we’re all about helping you achieve your best, whether that’s in the gym, kitchen, or boardroom.

When you think about business, or more specifically being good at it, it’s a lot like achieving physical fitness. You need clearly defined goals, a sense of accountability, a positive mindset, and the stamina to keep going through good times and bad.  

As the fastest growing supplement franchise in Western Canada, we get a ton of business questions, especially around how to turn your passion for fitness into a career.

Let’s just say we got you.

We checked in with Reflex Supplements Partner and Director of Franchising, Curtis Christopherson for his reco’s on the best business books to add to your reading list.

As a guy with an insane amount of industry knowledge, (like years spent running Innovative Fitness) an impressive business acumen (hello, Surrey Board of Trade’s Business Person of the Year), and crazy amounts of community involvement (with over 3 million raised for charities such as the JDRF and The 60Minute Kidsclub) his endorsements come with a lot of weight.  

From those just daydreaming about running their own business, to those living the hustle every day, these books will take your dream to the next level by helping you to think differently, work smarter, and be strategic about reaching your goals.



Looking for that next good book to read? Something to inspire, educate, or motivate you to be a better business, person, leader or entrepreneur?


Here are the top books that I’d highly recommend:


6 Best Business Books You Need To Read NOW


1. Scaling Up: How a Few Companies Make It…and Why The Rest Don’t, by Verne Harnish: a great book with the practical tools you need to take your business to the next level and find success in this competitive market.

2. Topgrading: The Proven Hiring and Promoting Method That Turbocharges Company Performance, by Bradford D. Smart: achieving success requires a strong team. Whether you’re a big, or small company, this book shows you how to assess talent and build a team that’s set to win.

3. Great by Choice, by Jim Collins: written by the same author of the renowned book, Good to Great, this book takes a look at why some companies can flourish despite times of turmoil and chaos, while others flounder.

4. The Leader Who Had No Title, by Robin Sharma: written by one of the most sought-after advisers on leadership, this book shows you what you need to lead, influence, and innovate like Fortune 500 boss.

5. Outliers, by Malcolm Gladwell: this book will change the way you think about success, and what it takes to be successful.

6. Onward, by Howard Schultz: after returning as CEO to Starbucks, Schultz shares how brining the company back to its core values helped it find success during one of the most tumultuous times in American economic history.


For more business inspiration from Curtis, or to get in touch, follow him on Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn.


If you have a business question for us, or interested in finding out more about franchise opportunities? Contact us or get social with us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. We are #ReflexNation.


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