Supplement Essentials For Healthy Summer Skin


We’ve all seen the effects that summer can have on our skin. Some people tan perfectly and their skin looks hydrated and like something you’d see in a Caribbean cruise vacation pamphlet. Others end up with dry, peeling, and flat out burnt skin! The latter of the two seems to be the most common and also one of the top contributing factors to skin cancers (especially during the time of intense UV rays that come with the sunny summer months). Often times we just chalk up the cause of skin issues to sun damage and lack of sunscreen – but the science behind skin health is much more detailed than just that. We’ve outlined our top supplement essentials for healthy summer skin below!


Skin health comes from the inside-out as much as it does from the outside-in. Although moisturizers and sunscreen are great to keep the skin nourished and protected, they don’t fix the issues from the inside-out which are root causes of chronic skin problems.

So what supplements should you take to ensure that you have the healthiest skin possible?

1. Collagen

Studies show that taking collagen supplements on a regular basis can improve skin elasticity and decrease the classic signs of aging (wrinkles and roughness). As you age, the body produces less and lower quality collagen.  Supplementing with it will ensure that the skin remains as healthy as possible from the inside-out. There are four main types of collagen and each play specific role in the body. Look for supplements with two or more types of collagen to improve absorption and bioavailability of this phenomenal skin health aid.


2. Vitamin C

Your body actually creates procollagen by combining two amino acids, glycine and proline. Both of these are commonly found in protein powders but require Vitamin C for this process. As such, supplementing with Vitamin C will help to encourage collagen production.


3. Protein

Protein is made up of amino acids and many of them play important roles in muscle, joint, ligament, and skin health. By providing the proper amounts of amino acids, the body has all of the tools that it requires to repair and regenerate new healthy skin cells.


4. Fish Oil

Fish oil contains two main types of omega-3 fatty acids; docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). DHA is healthy for the brain, but EPA offers many benefits to the skin by regulating oil production to boost hydration and prevent the dreaded aging process of the skin.


5. Vitamin E, A, and K

All three of these play essential roles in the production and lifespan of skin cells. They are key components of multiple cellular reactions that dictate the health of the skin and it’s natural aging process.


6. Vitamin D

Vitamin D is very important because it is often made when sunlight is absorbed by the skin.  Cholesterol converts to Vitamin D when this happens.  The issue is that many of us don’t get enough sunlight, so a lack in vitamin D can have adverse effects on skin health.  Supplementing with it will ensure that the skin is healthy while providing countless other health benefits in the body at the same time.


7. Greens and Reds Drink

Consuming a vegetable greens and/or antioxidant rich berry supplement on a daily basis will go a long way in supporting skin health. These supplements pack antioxidant capabilities that allow them to fight off free radicals and keep the body functioning smoothly. By ridding the body of toxins, less damage occurs to skin cells.


Supporting the body with the proper nutrients for healthy skin is always important, but in the summertime it is especially essential due to the amount of time spent in the sun and outside in general. So next time you have some dry skin, don’t just think to buy some moisturizer that works from the outside in, but look at the options above that will keep your skin (and your body as a whole) looking and feeling as healthy as possible from the inside-out.


To find the supplements that work best for you, or for more training ideas, visit us in store and have a chat with one of our #experts. We can also be reached on Facebook and Instagram. We are #ReflexNation

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