Proudly Canadian Companies

Proudly Canadian CompaniesIt’s finally July, and what better way to kick off summer than to celebrate Canada’s birthday!  In light of Canada’s 152nd birthday, we’re showcasing some of the country’s top supplement brands.  And, as an added bonus, we’re discounting proudly Canadian products from now until the 31st

To help you create your Canadian supplement shopping list, we’ve rounded up some of our favourite brands and products made north of the border, which are all on sale at a Reflex Supplements store nearest to you.


#1) Iron Vegan 

Looking to gain muscle mass or even train for your next bodybuilding event all while adhering to a plant-based or vegan lifestyle?  Using the right combination of plant-based amino acids and digestible proteins and fibre, Iron Vegan can get you there. Whether you’re in need of a pre- or post-workout shake, or want a nutritionist-, macro-approved bar on the go, this brand has you covered.  Their Sprouted Protein bars are one of our favourites, whether you are training or just looking for a healthy snack—super delicious, digestible, and with all-natural ingredients and no added junk.


#2) Progressive 

Progressive has a range of scientifically-researched products, including their VegeGreens supplement.  The green powder can be mixed into smoothies or juices, or drank on its own in the pineapple coconut or blueberry medley flavours.  Just one scoop a day will offer the antioxidant equivalent to 6 to 8 servings of vegetables. We love this product for improving energy levels, gentle daily detoxification, or to restore the body’s pH (this helps to resolve acidity that can sometimes accumulate with excessive protein in the diet).  It’s super handy to include the VegeGreens if you haven’t quite gotten in your vegetables for the day. Progressive’s VegeGreens supplement is just one of their wide range of quality products.


#3) Magnum

Quality ingredients are also a key focus for Magnum, one of Canada’s top nutraceutical companies whose focus is to create pharmaceutical-grade sports nutrition supplements.  Because of their pharmaceutical-grade formulations, their products are more effective in a shorter period of time. By choosing the right ingredients and the right doses, Magnum is able to create products that will help you, more efficiently, no matter what your goal.  Whether it’s to lose weight and lean out, improve or peak performance, or if you’re looking for general health and wellness products to incorporate into your healthy diet and fitness regime, Magnum has you covered.  


#4)  Beyond Yourself 

Some of our favourite metabolic enhancing supplements are produced by Beyond Yourself, a supplement company who aims to get innovative, quality products into the hands of anyone living a healthy lifestyle.  Their Keto-Ice is a refreshing powder that is simply added to cold water for a stimulant-free fat burning cocktail. It promotes lipolysis and increases thermogenesis to support natural and healthy weight-loss using ketones and L-Carnitine, proven fat-burning ingredients.  We also love their Amino-IQ, which is not only formulated with BCAAs, but also cognitive-supporting nootropic ingredients to support both mental and physical performance.  


#5)  PVL 

Proudly using no artificial flavours, colours, or sweetners, Pure Vita Labs (PVL) aims to produce the highest quality sports supplements, all with their own Canadian-hands.  PVL formulates, manufactures, and distributes their own products and their entire line is Choice Certified(their products have been tested for banned substances), so consumers can be certain that PVL products are safe for training and competitions.  PVL offers products for energy, protein supplementation, strength and endurance, or recovery. One of our favourites is their CLA 1250, which is a high potency conjugated linoleic acid supplement. This fat burning product improves body composition by preventing fat from entering the cells.  Though this product supports with fat reduction, it also has positive impacts on hormonal health as it helps to excrete excess estrogen: bonus!


We think it’s important to support homegrown companies, not only because we are one, but also because we know the impact it has on community locally, nationally, and globally. This keeps profit inside the pockets of Canadians to support and improve local economy while creating more job opportunities.  In many cases, supporting Canadian companies also positively impacts the environment by means of creating less carbon footprint. Consumers can also feel good knowing that Canadian-made products are required to adhere to reputable labour standards.  


These are just a few of our homegrown favourites!  To check out more Canadian-made brands like Muscletech, Mammoth, TC Nutrition, and Mutant, head to a Reflex Supplements store nearest to you.   And be sure to let us know which Canadian products you’re using by tagging us on Instagram or Facebook with the hashtag #ReflexNation, eh!?

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