Shake It Up: Protein Powder Flavours You Need To Try!

Shake It Up: Protein Powder Flavours You Need To Try!Sick and tired of the same old protein flavours but afraid purchase a dud that just sits on your shelf?

Here are some of my favourite (not-chocolate and not-vanilla protein powders) to help you shake up your shake and rekindle your love of protein.

Magnum Quattro Salted Freakin’ Caramel

Magnum is my go to for protein as it has only isolate proteins from four different sources. This means timed digestion and has more protein per scoop than almost any other product.

Their Salted Freakin’ Caramel flavor is amazing! It has Himalayan pink salt in it as well as a smooth caramel flavour that will fix any sweet tooth. My favourite way to use it is to add a little water or unsweetened cashew milk to it and mix so it’s thick like a syrup or glaze.  I’ll use it on my pancakes or even spread across rice cakes that’s sure to kick any sugar cravings I’m having! (If you spread it on the rice cakes, just use less liquid so it’s thicker and more spreadable)


Magnum Quattro Pure and Simple Quattro Protein

If you’re someone who loves to bake then this is the protein for you! This protein doesn’t have any flavour which is great because it is so versatile.  Heidi Cannon is a protein baking genius, one of my favourite recipes from her is the Peanut Butter Mocha Cupcakes


Perfect Sports Cookies and Cream

This is another amazing protein to help satiate that sweet tooth! Just like the Salted Freakin’ Caramel you can spread this on rice cakes for an on-the-go post workout refuel or try it in a smoothie bowl.

Cookie and Cream Smoothie Bowl


1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk

1/2 cup plain Greek yogurt

1/4 cup old fashioned oatmeal (dry)

1/2 cup ice cubes (5-6 large cubes)

1 scoop Perfect Sports Cookies & Cream


  1. Blend all ingredients (except protein) in blender until smooth (you can add additional ice for your desired consistency). Add protein and blend until mixed in.
  2. Pour mixture into a bowl and top with additional dry oatmeal, chocolate chips, cocao nibs, hemp seeds, ground flax seed, or fruit, Enjoy!


Shake It Up: Protein Powder Flavours You Need To Try!Rae-Ann Dodd is a Personal Training Specialist, Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist, IndoRow Certified Instructor, Certified Children’s Fitness Coach in Calgary, and member of Team Reflex. For more fitness tips be sure to follow Rae-Ann on Instagram.

Got a favourite protein or recipe you want to share with us? Let us know on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. We are #ReflexNation.

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