How to Get Motivated Post-Vacation

How to Get Motivated Post-VacationSummer is officially on the way out (cue pumpkin spice protein shakes), which means it’s time to take off the swimsuit and trade it in for workwear… or work out gear? But of course, the challenge isn’t just putting on a pair of pants; it comes in the form of waking up to that early alarm clock and regaining the motivation to get into the gym instead of choosing to sleep in. Luckily, we have proven strategies to get you motivated so you can build better habits for your health, all while being productive in your professional and personal life. Keep reading for our tips on how to get motivated post-vacation!



Your success is directly correlated to the goals you set for yourself. If you’re hoping to motivate yourself post-vacation, it’s crucial for you to identify your why (or your goal) for doing so. When you identify this, remember to be specific. “I want to get in shape” or “I’m exercising for my health” are not considered to be specific goals. Instead, phrase the goal to have specific details like, “I want to be able to do 50 push-ups by springtime” or, “I want to be able to pick up my 20lb son by the time I’m 35.” Stating your goals in this specific way helps the subconscious mind reprogram itself. Just by saying the goal aloud to yourself everyday, and visualizing it being accomplished, the goal will be achieved. Stick it on the mirror or set it as the wallpaper on your phone, and let your mind do the rest of the work.


Whether your goal is to run a marathon or to eliminate certain foods, it’s important to start slow. Remember, you just came back from vacation! Your body won’t be used to running a marathon, and it will be craving the very thing you cut out of your diet cold turkey. In either case, you could cause yourself to become injured or get headaches and intense cravings. Go easy on yourself and begin by making one small change a day.


When it comes to incorporating fitness back into your routine, it is essential to build it into your schedule, just as you would a corporate meeting or brushing your teeth. Exercising becomes a necessary, non-negotiable part of your day when you shift your mindset about it. Your mind and your body accept it as something you just have to do, not something to dread. You wouldn’t bail on your team meeting, so don’t bail on yourself.


Picture this: you’ve just come back from summer vacation. You’re in for a long week of work, but you’re committed to eating healthy. You get home after a long day and there’s no food made. Do you: go to the grocery store to buy food to make a healthy meal, or do you order a pizza from the place next door?

It’s very simple to fall off track or lose motivation to pursue your health goal when you’re not prepared. Your hunger (and tastebuds) can get the best of you, especially during times of transition, and your willpower can only take you so far. Taking one to two hours every Sunday will set you up for success for the rest of the week. The best part about having healthy meals available is that it gets you craving healthy food again!


Looking for motivation? Look no further than your cell phone with a music streaming app (think Spotify or Apple Music). Research shows that playing a pump-up playlist before a workout does just that: pump you up! A high vibe playlist even has the capacity to boost the psychological effects of your workout and enhance your mood, and delay your perception of fatigue (hello, endurance). And most of us have this available at the tip of our fingers. If you’re feeling unmotivated to workout, create a playlist with your favourite beats that get you moving–like you’re still on vacation (cue Despasito).


If you’re on social media, consider this: the content you observe impacts you, positively or negatively. It’s simply human nature to scroll through our feed and either compare ourselves or internalize the messages that people are putting out into the world. Be careful what accounts you follow on social platforms, especially during times of transition, like coming back from vacation. If you’re looking for motivation, follow people who are motiving! Some of our favourite accounts to boost positivity and motivation are @kelseywells, @tonyrobbins, and of course us, @reflexnation.


Too often, health professionals will get asked: what is the best workout to get into shape? The answer is simple: the one you will do. Try not to get hung up on doing a certain type of workout class because of the results it promises. Just. Get. Moving. The ultimate goal for everyone should be to get their body moving so that they can achieve optimal health. Focus on the type of movement that brings you joy and you won’t have to search for motivation to get you to do it.


In a study of 2000 people, 69% of the participants said that buying a new workout outfit was the key to getting motivated to hit the gym. More interestingly, 88% of the participants agreed that by simply putting on this workout wear, their motivation surged. So by simply purchasing an outfit that makes us feel good, we become motivated to do the work! It’s a “fake it ‘til you make it” approach that holds value, and just like the workout gear, we’re buying it. When you feel good, you continue to do good things for yourself. It’s an act of self-care with tons of motivational benefits.


Try these tips and let us know if they help to motivate yourself after summer vacation. We’d love to know! And don’t forget to tag us at #ReflexNation and follow @reflexsupplements on Facebook and Instagram.

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