Exercise With Your Significant Other


They say everything’s better together, and while there’s not a lot of togetherness these days, the one person you might be seeing a lot of is your significant other. They may have a new role in your life as your perfect workout buddy! Keep reading to see why you should exercise with your significant other!



If you read our recent blog, How To Start Your Fitness Journey, you learned how working out with a buddy can keep you accountable. Well, having your significant other as your workout buddy takes accountability to a whole new level. Unlike a friend, you can’t send them a text to say something came up and weasel your way out of the daily workout, especially if you live together. This person likely knows you the best and won’t let you get away with it! Motivation only lasts so long. When the joy of putting on your new workout clothes fades, it is a huge advantage to have someone there backing you all the way to the finish line.

Pro tip: As you’re setting up your workout plan together, share the most common excuses you use for not working out. This way, you’ll know what to look for and won’t let the excuse stop you from reaching your goals. Try sharing what kinds of motivation work for you on the days you can’t peel yourself off the couch – are you a tough love kind of person, or would the promise of a post-workout foot massage get you moving? Decide together and make your own rules!


New exercises

It’s time to lean on your significant other, literally and figuratively!

Working out as a pair opens the door to a variety of new exercises you need a buddy to do. Mix it up with external shoulder rotations using a resistance band or crunches while tossing a medicine ball back and forth. Maybe you’re really into yoga and have always wanted to try partner poses, like backward bends or assisted fish pose. You can also set up a circuit with complementary exercises. For example, one person does push-ups while the other does pull-ups, or your partner is perfecting their overhead press while you’re trying to master those chin-ups, and then you switch.

The day always comes when exercising is the last thing you want to do. This is the exact time to lean on each other for support. When you’re about to skip the workout and order a pizza, your significant other is ready to turn up the music and get moving. Lift up one another on those days where it’s a struggle to keep it going.


Built-in spotter

Working out with your significant other gives you that spotter you need to ensure your form is correct and safe or assist you with that heavy lift. If you’ve been used to having a large wall mirror to check your form at the gym, and that’s no longer an option, your new workout buddy can help you make those tweaks. You could even have them take a video to check it out after and see the progress you’re making. Maybe you’ve always wanted to try a headstand using the wall but needed a little boost or someone to hold your legs until you’re in position. Who better than your significant other to get you into a tricky pose.


Deepen your relationship

Perhaps you’ve been together a long time and think you already know everything about each other. Well, what better way to get to know a new side to your partner than supporting them with new health goals, being their emotional support and sharing those highs and lows. If you find yourselves sitting across the couch from each other behind your phones and are craving a more intimate connection, creating new habits together and talking about your new lifestyle can help invigorate a stale relationship. It can also be pretty sexy to see your partner build muscle definition while they get a little sweaty.

Couples who create shared experiences are more satisfied in their relationships. Remember the time we laughed so hard that … Remember the day when we … What better way to create those moments than through exercise with your special person. Build positive memories, as well as muscle and endurance!


If you need more help keeping yourself motivated and accountable, visit us in store and have a chat with one of our experts. We can also be reached on Facebook and Instagram. Now it’s your turn to tell us how you stay motivated! Be sure to tag us! We are #ReflexNation.

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