Detox Tips To Support Your Liver


Today we’re diving in with 6 detox tips to support your liver! Ensuring the body’s pathways for elimination are all functioning correctly is key for optimal health. One of the significant organs that assist in the detoxification process is the liver. It’s essential for athletes that the liver is performing well because it’s in charge of storing glycogen – which is crucial for ATP resynthesis during exercise. Simultaneously, it regulates sugar levels in the blood, which helps to steady your energy levels. It’s critical to support your liver to help give you the steady endurance and energy to go farther in your workouts. 


1. Dry Skin Brushing

The skin is our largest organ and plays a crucial role in detoxification. By helping your body remove toxins and dead skin cells with dry skin brushing, the liver’s vital job can be done much more efficiently. Dry skin brushing releases toxins by stimulating the lymphatic system. It increases circulation, improves digestion, reduces cellulite, helps reduce stretch marks and tightens skin, and feels good. Hello, stress relief! 

The steps for dry skin brushing:

  • Brush before showering (always shower after dry skin brushing to remove everything from the skin)
  • Avoid harsh exfoliation and scrubbing
  • Use a brush with natural bristles
  • Start at the feet and move your way up the body, brushing in long movements
  • Always brush towards your heart 

Dry skin brushing is simple, inexpensive and can only take 5-minutes. If you’re not used to the dry, scratchy bristles, at first, it might not feel the best, but as you continue the practice each day, it begins to feel good! It’s a great way to stimulate the skin and wake you up before your morning shower. 


2. Sweat It Out

Another way to support the liver and remove toxins through your skin is sweating. If you’re not already getting your daily sweat on, start with walking and build up to 30-minutes of aerobic exercise per day. Regular sweat sessions help the body in so many ways. It’s a great way to detoxify, support lung and heart health, and boost the body’s glutathione production. Remember, glutathione acts as an essential antioxidant in the body, preventing cellular damage. Pick up the weights. Grab your running shoes or hiking boots and get outside climbing those hills. Hop on your stationary bike. Choose an exercise you enjoy, and you’re much more likely to stick with it. 

If you want tips and support on how to get started with a daily workout routine, check out How To Start Your Fitness Journey.  


3. Liver Loving Foods 

Eat a diet that supports the liver’s function. Here are a few foods to include in your daily meal plan.


A top benefit of beets is inflammation – they are packed with anti-inflammatory phytonutrients, like beta-carotene. They also contain betaine, which helps the liver eliminate toxins and pectin, a type of fibre that helps bind and clear toxins. Beet juice is known to protect the liver from oxidative damage and inflammation and is high in nitrate. Recent studies have shown that high nitrate foods are linked to advancing athletic performance like increased blood flow, improved lung function, and muscle contraction. A friendly heads-up to prevent any shock – beets can alter the colour of urine and stool. An easy way to cook beets is to boil them until they’re soft and then rub the skin off easily with a paper towel. Chop into large pieces and enjoy with balsamic vinegar, olive oil and sea salt. 

Cruciferous vegetables

Time to get your crunch on with all the liver-friendly cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, brussel sprouts, collard greens and cauliflower. A natural compound in these vegetables, indole, has been found to help combat non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Topping salads, wraps and sandwiches with broccoli sprouts is an easy way to incorporate these into your diet. 

Glutathione-boosting foods

You’ve already heard us mention glutathione and its role as an essential antioxidant in the body – so include foods that will boost glutathione levels, such as raw spinach, avocado and asparagus. Sulphur-containing foods are the building blocks of glutathione, so even more reason to eat those cruciferous vegetables and one of our favourite classic superfoods, garlic.


4. Intermittent Fasting

We can all agree that eating the right foods will optimize your health. It’s also vital to give your body a rest from eating so it can do the job of detoxification. One way to give your body the time it needs is intermittent fasting. By providing the digestion system a break, your body can use this energy for repair and toxin removal. During periods of fasting, liver cells have an improved ability to metabolize sugar and reduce liver fat. Next week, try fasting for 16-hours; have an early dinner at 6 pm, and then a late breakfast at 10 am. It may be challenging at first, but give it a few days and notice any changes to mood and energy levels. 


5. Chlorella

This dark green algae is a powerful chelator, meaning it can bind to and remove heavy metals and other toxins that could be a burden on your liver. Chlorella also contains several nutrients with antioxidant properties, including vitamin C, chlorophyll, beta-carotene, lutein, and lycopene. One of our favourite smoothie combinations is coconut water, frozen spinach, a banana and a scoop of chlorella powder. It’s a great way to get the benefits of algae without noticing any of the taste. 


6. Nature

Bet you didn’t see this one coming, did ya? Stress can wreak havoc on the liver and exacerbate liver disease. It also negatively impacts digestive issues, autoimmune diseases and heart health. It’s time to create habits that leave you feeling calm, relaxed, happy. Spending time in nature can be so healing for the mind, body and soul. It reduces stress, anxiousness, fear, worry and anger. Turn off the screen and head out to your closest park or walking trail. Go walking with a buddy or play with the kids. 


Your liver is essential for your health. By incorporating these 6 detox tips to support your liver into your routine, you’ll be well on the way to supporting its ability to provide energy, fight off infection, regulate hormones, and so much more!

If you’re looking for more information on which supplements would be right for you, visit us in store and have a chat with one of our experts. We can also be reached on Facebook and Instagram. Now it’s your turn to tell us, how do you incorporate greens into your diet? Be sure to tag us! We are #ReflexNation.

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