Designing Your Summer Fitness Routine

Summer is a great time to switch up your fitness routine. The motivation of baring more skin, plus the ability to take your fitness outdoors, or on the road (summer vacay!!) means getting creative, and pushing your limits in new ways.

Whether you’ve been doing the same routine for a few months, or just looking for some fresh ideas, we went to our Reflex Experts to ask them for some tips on planning your fresh new summer plan.

Try to choose a goal that is not weight related such as a 5km run or a bike ride or a completing the grouse grind in under an hour.

No gym no problem. The great outdoors can be an amazing source of “exercise equipment”. Logs are great for jump squats and lunges, while large rocks make great weights for thrusting and lifting.

Think about your likes and dislikes. Hate running? It’s not going to get better in the summer heat. Think about the activities you like doing and find new ways of doing them. For example, take that love of the rowing machine and sign up for a dragon boat race, or weekly kayak session.

Think outside the gym. In the west we have access to water and mountains, which make for some great cardio sessions. Try hiking, biking, swimming and running along with your weight training.

Add variety to your weekly routine. Get outdoors, take a new class, or sign up for a run club or a sports team. The more variety that you add, the less chance of injury and becoming bored with what you are doing.

Summer Fitness Routine | Reflex Nation

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