Josh Cloherty

Calgary, AB

Meet Josh

My name is Josh, I am a 35 year old father to a beautiful little girl, a Journeyman Welder and an Amateur Strongman Competitor living in Calgary, AB.

I have been actively competing in strongman as well as coaching strongman/woman for a few years now. I love everything about, not only the physical but the mental challenges you face in each training session and in each competition.

In 2020, I earned a second place finish at Alberta’s Strongest Man as well as set the Canadian Amateur Circus Dumbbell Record at 233.5 lbs! This year I hope to push myself and my athletes to not only conquer our goals but to have a BLAST doing it!

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Josh Cloherty
Josh Cloherty

Favorite way to sweat

Heavy sandbag runs – nothing makes you sweat more than running full speed, as fast as you can with a 300lbs sandbag up on your chest.


Africa by ToTo because it’s pretty much the best song ever!!!! Truthfully, I tend to drown whatever is playing out because at competition we have no control over the music!!!

Place to visit or travel

I love going to BC, Vancouver Island specifically because that is where my daughter lives. Also, I love going to the Arnold in Columbus, Ohio!

Extra Motivation

Well I have always been self-motivated when it comes to the gym. I started strongman a few years ago and every day I get to challenge myself in ways I never thought I could. That and hearing my daughter brag about how strong her daddy is is pretty awesome as well!


  • Bio X Protein powder any flavour as they are all amazing
  • Mutant BCAA’s Blue Raspberry or Fuzzy Peach
  • Fusion Purple-K Creatine
  • ON Essential Amino Energy any flavour I love them all
Biox Protein Powder


  • 1 Cup White Rice
  • 5 pieces of chopped up Bacon
  • Onion, Peppers, and some spices
  • 6 Whole Eggs

Mix all of that together into a delicious pan scramble with 2 pieces of homemade bread toast and a cup of coffee


Bananas usually or some other types of fruit. Trail mix, yogurt, granola and frozen berries!


  • 1 Cup Whole Grain Rice
  • 1 Cup Mixed Veggies
  • 1-1.5 Cups of Lean Ground Beef
  • 1 whole Banana


Usually similar to lunch except half the rice and double the veggies or veggies and steak!!!!

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